Join for our In Person Sunday Worship

3301 Watson Blvd, Endwell NY

Brooks BBQ Friday Mar 14th (3-5PM)

Cash Price: $14.00 Credit Price: $14.50
Includes: 1/2 Chicken, Baked Potato, Coleslaw, Roll, Butter.

Available Until SOLD OUT!

Pre-Orders Suggested
Must pick up pre-orders by 5PM

(Preorders close at approx 11:30am on the 14th)



Doug's Fish Fry

Saturday, Mar 28th, 11 AM - 6:00 PM

To call and place an order until 4:00 PM same day call 607-423-5996.

You can TAG our Event listing on FB

the church

Giving is an action of worship, affection and love for Jesus.

We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the church, and are on a mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.

Our Mission

“Our mission as a church is to connect people to the love of Jesus Christ through a community of faith that is connected together in love, in mission, in grace and forgiveness.”

Pastor Mark's Welcome Message

Mark Kimpland


2023 in Review

We hope you enjoy this video representation of our 2022 Ministries and Community Outreach programs.


Our Ministries

Children at church copy

We offer weekly education for Children and Youth, and encourage fellowship and learning in our yearly events such as Vacation Bible School.


Study the Bible

We are passionate about studying the bible as God’s Word made manifest here on earth. Join us for bible study.


Help those in Need

We believe God has called our church to praise Him by turning our hearts and our focus to Christ’s minisitry.

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Our mandate is that the “world is our parish” and we strive to serve both our local and global communities to the best of our God-given abilities.