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“I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you gave me clothing, sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.”
(Matthew 25: 35-36)

Mission Team Vision

Our Identity:

We are united Christian and people of God, who have committed in our unique passions, gifts, and leadership in Mission of our Church.

Our Call:

As the Mission Teams of the Endwell United Methodist Church, We believe we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ and to serve the needs of one another in our Church, in our community and in the world.

Our Vision:

We believe God called us to proclaim the Good News, to Invite and Welcome people into the body of Christ, and to serve boldly, not just in our Church programs, but in our community and the global levels as well.

Our Gospel:

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”
(Matthew 25:35-36)

Endwell Preschool... A Mission of the Church since 1967

Endwell Preschool has been a mission of the Endwell United Methodist Church for over 55 years! We have a program for three-year-old children called Smart Play-3’s. They attend school four half days per week. Our four-year-old children are in the Universal Pre-Kindergarten program five full-days per week. Our staff is zealous about educating pre-school children and come highly qualified and committed to the program. It is exciting to watch them grow and learn throughout their time in our program. We thank our church family for their support. We thank our board for their continued direction and support.

~ Darlene Darrow 




Beth Strong – Director and UPK Teacher

Emma Seamon,Jessica Signorelli, Alaena Sullivan – Assistant Teachers

Sharon Bligh – Lead Teacher of the Smart Play (3-Yr Old Program)

Tiffany Ashman – SmartPlAy Teacher Assistant

Darlene Darrow – Volunteer School Administrator/President of Board

Substitutes – Adine Bouton, Lynette Gyidik, Nadie Schaller


Please call 607-748-9505 for further information


Our Mission Statement

It is our intent to provide a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the physical, social-emotional, and intellectual development of young children.       Parents are the children’s’ first teacher and we strive to develop a warm, supportive relationship. Our classrooms are designed with learning centers, which give children the opportunity to play and learn individually and in groups.

Missions-Lords Table 2

Lord's Table Monday Evening Meals

The Lord’s Table is our Monday night dinner that has been offered by the church for over 25 years, to those in need in the community.

Every Monday from 3:00-5:00 pm we serve dinner to those in the community who have a need. This is open to anyone in the community and is operated by over 30 dedicated workers, cooks, hosts, and cleanup crews. At the present time, we serve a take-out of hot dinners to over 200 people. We also transport meals to those that are unable to pick them up for themselves.


Community Outreach Missions

Community Outreach Missions – Endwell UMC sponsors and supports many Missions that support the local community with both financial and labor resources. The major events are as follows:

  • Breakfast with Santa and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
  • Olaf Winter Festival
  • National Night Out
  • United Way Day of Caring
  • Halloween Trunk or Treat
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Mission-Monthly Food Bank-3

Food Bank Distribution Site

On the first Monday of every month, the Southern Tier Food Bank trucks arrive from Elmira, unloading thousands of pounds of food items. Inside Endwell UMC’s Fellowship Hall, volunteers start assembling boxes and filling them to the brim with healthy, fresh food. We currently serve over 200 families starting at 9 AM each first Monday of the month.

College Outreach

Several times during the School Year our College Ministry Team collects and ships care packages to our College-bound students. This is always a welcome gift as students get ready for exams as they wrap up each semester. Watch the weekly bulletin for exact dates.
Ramp it up

Broome County Council of Churches

Faith in Action/Broome County Council of Churches builds wheelchair ramps with volunteer youth groups under the direction of skilled mentors. Ramps are built during the summer months. 

Red Bird Mission

Each fall, Endwell UMC takes part in filling shoeboxes to be given to the Red Bird Mission, located in Beverly, Kentucky.
Mission-Red Bird - ShoeBoxes
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