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Our missions

Red Bird Mission

Each fall, Endwell UMC takes part in gathering/filling shoeboxes from around upstate New York to be given to the Red Bird Mission, located in Beverly, Kentucky..

The donations are headed to the heart of what was once coal mining country in Kentucky. Today, with the mines closed, thousands of people now live in poverty, in what’s become one of the poorest areas in the state. It’s a mission our church members have stood behind for years.


The church collects donations from all across New York state, with the goal of supporting a mission hundreds of miles from home, and its items many may not think to donate.




people in the service of the lord

Spectrum News Report:
Red Bird Mission

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Red Bird Mission

Mission Project Participating Church/Organization Info

Each year we reach out to Churches/organizations in Central NY and Northern PA to participate with us in this Ministry.

The following Links are resources can be used in that outreach.

Cover Letter – Updated Approx. Sept of each Year

Container Information – Ideas and Suggestions for what to use as a Shoebox container.

The Following Flyer can be printed (2 per sheet), cut, and distributed for people to follow when filling boxes.

Shoe Box Contents