
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

(Colossians 3:16 )


The Endwell United Methodist Church offers a “blended” experience which includes both traditional and contemporary expressions of praise, music and worship. Our diversity of ages, backgrounds and theologies are enhanced by this varied worship style.
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Pastoral Leadership

Our Senior Pastor, Rev. Mark Kimpland and Associate Pastor, Rev. Sean Chanthasone, have both earned seminary degrees, are ordained/licensed in the United Methodist tradition, and have decades of experience in leading worship in many diverse settings. Both Pastors see leading worship as a holy honor and sacred responsibility.

Children's Time

A weekly highlight of worship is the time when the children interact with the Pastor and congregation during the Children’s Sermon. This brief time reinforces what will be shared during Children’s church, following the Children’s sermon, through the use of object lessons, stories, play acting and even the “Glory Box”.
Worship - Childrens time
Worship - Adult Choir

Adult/Youth Choir

Choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7:15pm – 8:30pm, in the sanctuary, from September – June. New choir members are always welcome. The choir is open to anyone who loves to sing!

Adult/Youth Bell Choir

Bell choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm -7:15pm, in the sanctuary from September – June. Anyone desiring to be a part of the bell choir, either novice or experienced, is welcomed.

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Worship - Special Music

Special Music

Throughout the year we encourage children, youth and adults to share the gift of music. Whether you sing or play an instrument, you are encouraged to offer your talent during worship.

Witness Sundays

Over the past 12 years, 60+ people (youth and adults) have offered their journey of faith during worship. This sacred practice is offered several times throughout the year and has provided a tangible expression of sharing, connecting and learning from one another. If you might be interested in sharing your witness please contact one of the Pastors.

Worship - Teens

Live Streaming and Online Outreach

Worship services are Streamed Live each week and on special occasions. Adults and Youth are eligible to help with our media productions. Contact the Church Office if interested.
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